Photographie des hommes ayant pris part à la cérémonie de la signature du traité de Lausanne devant l’Hôtel Beau-Rivage, 24 juillet 1923. © Les Archives de la Ville de Lausanne (AVL), CH-000100-3 ADM-B1-

After the First World War (1914-1918) and the collapse of four empires (the Austrian Ottoman, Russian and German Empires), violence and instability undermined  Southeastern Europe.

Signed on 24 July 1923, the Treaty of Lausanne is the only agreement signed in the aftermath of the war that is still in force. Of considerable importance for the history of Europe and the Middle East, it established the birth of modern Turkey, but overlooked the aspirations of minorities.

The exhibition looks back at the key decisons and moments of this conference, which lasted almost nine months. It also shows and considers the questions of remembrance and the treaty’s present-day significance in this part of Europe and the Middle East.