Paul Klee (1879-1949), Mit der sinkenden Sonne,1919, Privatbesitz Felix Klee, Depositum im Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern

Zentrum Paul Klee makes a shift of direction. Kosmos Klee. The collection (Kosmos Klee. Die Sammlung) introduces a new show to his life and works.

Zentrum Paul Klee owns and shows the most extensive collection of his works. Alongside his works, the Zentrum Paul Klee also houses the artist’s archive. The archive gives insight into multiple aspects of his artistic and private life. His love of music, for example. The (oral) archive also contains photographs, letters, Klee’s library, a recently made film documentary, and his vast collection of objects.

Zentrum Paul Klee is also the world’s authoritative centre for research into the artist’s life and work. Short texts, biographical photographs and films allow a glimpse into the various phases of his oeuvre and life.

One part of the museum is reserved for the space. FOKUS houses temporary exhibitions. They will focus on a particular aspect of Klee’s work or an artist referencing it.

The first temporary exhibition shows his celebrated depictions of angels. Klee’s angels are not perfect messengers from heaven. They are beings with human character traits between this world and the world beyond.

In subsequent exhibitions, FOKUS will feature artists with a particular artistic relationship with Klee. Other themes are the responses of architects to his work or the importance of art journals to the global exchange of ideas among artists in the first half of the 20th century.