Modern Living 1945-1975

Poster: Museum Kleines Klingental Basel

Especially in the decades after the Second World War, the dream of a home of one’s own came true for many. The majority of private homes at that time were simple and standard, but there are examples that bear witness to the high demands of architectural design. The architects were often given a free hand. They were creative and often found unique solutions. Using examples from the region, the exhibition (Modern Living. Einfamilienhäuser in Basel und Umgebung 1945–1975) traces the cultural, historical and architectural significance of the single-family home after 1945.


The Men’s Shoe from 1851 Onwards

Shoe''Spectator". Photo: Bild Bally Schuhfabriken AG

In 1851 Carl Franz Bally (1821-1899) founded the company Bally in Schönenwerd. Around 1900 the company became the largest shoe factory in the world. About 3 500 employees produced about 7 000 pairs of shoes a day. The exhibition (Bally Monsieur – der Herrenschuh seit 1851) shows what the men’s shoe looked like at that time and examines the development of the men’s shoe from 1851 to the present day. The exclusive Bally store on New Bond Street in London illustrated its success. The name Bally stood for luxury, dandy and success and this name still has worldwide cult status, although the family handed the company over in 1976. Today Bally is owned by a German company.

The Universe of Dieter Roth

Poster Sammlung Würth Arlesheim

Dieter Roth (1930-998) is known for his artistic works that transcend all boundaries. He sees the beauty of mould, the aesthetics of decay and actively incorporates it into his art. His work is determined by transience, coincidence and process. However, Dieter Roth’s artistic origins lie in graphic printing, to which the exhibition (Das Universum Dieter Roth) is mainly devoted. Like few others, Dieter Roth has created a total work of art that can hardly be grasped in genres. The show offers an insight into Dieter Roth’s most relevant creative years, with mainly works from the mid-sixties to the mid-seventies.