Alpine Workshops in Bern

Photo: Alpines Museum Bern, Lernende der Geigenbauschule Brienz.

The exhibition Alpine Workshop (Werkstatt Alpen) presents people from the Swiss Alps who funnel their creativity and tenacity into producing not only premium products but also fresh perspectives. This is no idealized world, but real, everyday life. What does it mean to manufacture a product by hand in a digitalized and globalized society ? The museum has been transformed into a workshop, incorporating various artisan enterprises from mountain regions which will be presented in person or in pictures and sound. They will provide insights into their experiences and illustrate the real meaning of artisanal trades today.

The Great Feast

Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921-1990), Weihnachtsfest Rom 1988. Photo and Collection: Centre Dürrenmatt, Neuchâtel.

Food and drink are omnipresent in the work of Friedrich Dürrenmatt, whether in his plays, caricatures, portraits or novels. The exhibition (Das grosse Festmahl) explores the theme of food and drink in the work and life of the writer and painter. The show is based on work by Dürrenmatt and artists who have incorporated his imagination of food and drink into their art.

The Dangerous Lake

For centuries Lake Constance flooded the banks, villages, fields and roads. In its storms, it devoured fishermen, cargo ships and steamships. The untamed Rhine, which crosses Lake Constance, caused flooding and destruction in the Rhine valley. In the depths of the lake, there are countless ships, aeroplanes and nameless victims. In the 19th century, however, the forces of nature were largely brought under control, and the Rhine was canalised. The exhibition shows the history of the lake and the Rhine and related works of art, stories, documents, disasters, flood protection and the many finds and the undiscovered wrecks in the lake.