Images of the Hunt

The hunt has always meant a lot more than the simple procurement of food or the defence against food competitors. Huntable animals belong by far to the earliest motifs in painting and sculpture. The exhibition reflects on the hunt, on hunters and the hunted, on how they are perceived and depicted from antiquity up to today. It addresses the mythological superstructure from Artemis and Diana to Saint Hubertus. It illustrates the meaning of trophies, asks after the wilderness as a place of longing. The exhibition reflects the different views and manifestations from classical antiquity to the present day.

René Char and Poetry

Photo: Grindat / Fotostiftung Schweiz @ Henriette

The exhibition René Char. Sources et chemins de la poésie (Wellsprings and Ways of Poetry) follows the poet René Char (1907-1988) over the course of some thirty years, from Le soleil des eaux (1949) and Les matinaux (1950), to the collections La nuit talismanique (1972) and Aromates chasseurs (1975). The show is divided into four chronological sections that are organized around the works and their manuscripts, as well as photographs, prints, drawings, and fragments that led to the birth of complete poems. It also brings to life the places where Char lived, while several rare books reveal the poet’s friendships and dialogues with contemporary artists.

The Grinderwald Glaciers

Ferdinand Hodler (1853-1918), 1912, Grinderwald Glaciers. Kunsthaus Zurich, Photo: Kunsthaus Interlaken.

The two glaciers of Grinderwald are among the most researched glaciers worldwide. Taking a closer look at the glaciers one can see their retreat. In the 16th and 17th centuries the focus of public attention was more on the dangers of ice masses. After 1700 they began to be regarded as a curious phenomenon. In  the nineteenth century and by the rise of tourism they became first idealized and later  an integral part of the alpine landscape. Since the 17th century the two glaciers have also been a popular subject for artists. The exhibition “Keinesmehr“ or ‚no more sea of ice‘ consists oft wo parts. One part provides scientific background of the glacier and the climate change. The other part shows the most famous paintings of  the two glaciers.