
Photo: Fondation de l'Hermitage, Lausanne

Following the exhibition on Windows (Fenêtres) in 2013, the Fondation continues its exploration of major themes in western iconography. The theme of this exhibition features a selection of nearly 140 artworks, representing 500 years of the history of art and a diverse range of artistic forms, from painting to installation, sculpture, prints, drawings, photography and video. The masterpieces reflect the sustained interest artists have shown in shadow, from self-portraits (Rembrandt, Delacroix) to explorations of perspective (Bandinelli, de Hooch), chiaroscuro (Cambiaso, Jordaens, Wright of Derby) and the dramatic landscape of the Romantics (Friedrich, Carus, Bendz). Highpoints of the exhibition include shadow in the work of the Impressionists (Monet) and post-Impressionists (Cross, Sorolla), and a section bringing together the disturbing, paradoxical uses of shadow in the work of the symbolists (Degouve de Nuncques, Spilliaert), expressionists (Munch), surrealists (Dalí, Magritte, Ernst) and the New Objectivity (Schad, Stoecklin). The use of shadow in modern and contemporary art is reflected in iconic works by Picasso, Warhol, Boltanski and Kosuth, while video artists (Acconci, Otth, Maisonnasse) reinterpret the great founding myths linking shadow to art and knowledge, from Plato to Pliny. The exhibition is enhanced by a large photographic section, revealing that photography too has its constant focus on shadow.

The world of Tintin

Photo: Musée des Traditions et des Barques du Léman

The exhibition (Le monde de Tintin) tells the story of Tintin’s Adventures through drawings and models in a guided tour full of surprises and a wide range of never before presented documents and objects.

Maximilian I of Habsburg

Maximilian I as hunter. Photo: St. Johann Monastery of Müstair. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Cod. 8614)

The Museum of the Monastery of Müstair dedicates an exhibition to the emperor Maximilian I (1459-1519). The central theme is his stay in the region in 1496 and his beloved hunting of wild animals. The monastic life of the time is also part of the show. Maximilian took over the regency in Tyrol in 1490 and became Lord of Vinschgau and the monastery of St. Johann in Müstair. In this function, he was the patron of the monastery and represented it to the outside world. He strongly influenced the administration and justice system in the Val Müstair. The region was of great economic and military importance because of the passes to Italy. Maximilian, who was an enthusiastic hunter and climber, also appreciated the mountain scenery and the abundance of wildlife. (Further information: