Arles antique and Roman Geneva

This exhibition shows objects found in underwater archaeology in the Rhône and on display in the Musée départemental Arles antique. These objects date from the period after 46 BC, when the Roman colony Arles was founded by Julius Caesar. Arles (Arelate) lay on the trade road from the Mediterranean to Geneva (Genava), a city ruled by the Romans since 122 B.C. and this exhibition maps the early romanisation of Geneva and its relations with Rome and the Greek world.

Helen Dahm Exhibition

Helen Dahm (1878-1968) is one of the pioneers of Swiss modernism of the first half of the twentieth century. In 1906, during her stay in Munich, she took over the style of the Blaue Reiter. In 1913 she moved to the countryside in Oetwil am See, in the Oberland of Zurich. There she created a world of garden and flower paintings. The exhibition in the Kartause Ittingen shows early graphic works, the Helen Dahm Museum in Oetwil am See and the Thurgau Kunstmuseum show her familiarity with Symbolism, Art Nouveau and the Expressionism of the Brücke and Blauen Reiter.

Gottfried Keller Foundation

The collection of the Gottfried Keller Foundation is one of the important collections of Swiss art. The works, collected over the course of some 130 years, are owned by the Confederation and are on permanent loan in over 70 Swiss museums and other public institutions. The National Museum Zurich and the Museo d’arte della Svizzera italiana in Lugano, in collaboration with the Federal Office of Culture, are exhibiting masterpieces from this impressive federal art collection. The exhibition in Zurich chronicles the history of the foundation and showcases the collection’s diversity with precious objects from the 12th to the 20th century, including gold smithery, stained glass, drawings, paintings and sculptures. The Lugano exhibition focuses on paintings.