Silhouettes Art

Marlys Rohr, Living City. Photo: Museum.BL Liestal

The exhibition shows the works of more than 60 artists, who use scissors and knives to put their view of the city on paper. The works show the diversity of this craft – from the traditional silhouette to the modern collage and the filigree installation. In the past, only the black and white silhouettes were recognized. Today, the works are often colourful and collages, glued and designed with a wide variety of tools.


Myth and sculpture by Ferdinand Schlöth

Ferdinand Schlöth (1818–1891, Ganymed, and Zeus, 1873. Collection Ludwig and Antikenmuseum. Foto © Andreas Vögelin, Antikenmuseum and Collection Ludwig

The Museum of Antiquities celebrate the bicentenary of the birth of Ferdinand Schlöth (1818–1891). The Skulpturhalle Basel will put some of the Basel sculptor’s works on display. He created four of the most striking basilisks for the city of Basel as well as sculptures of ancient mythical figures and portraits of eminent Basel professors.


Switzerland exists

Tango in the Alpine Museum. Photo: Alpines Museum Bern

Descendants of Swiss who emigrated to Esperanza in Argentina in the second half of the nineteenth century have aften not forgotten their roots. Esperanza (“hope”) was founded by European settlers in 1853 as a colony on the flat grasslands of Santa Fe province, a region which is still agricultural in character. Generations have since grown up preserving their notion of Switzerland in their own way. The exhibition Suiza Existe is a search for clues to the past in the Esperanza of 2018, about what Switzerland means in Esperanza. They looked, for example, at “Nenes Biergarten” , the Asociación suiza “Guillermo Tell” and the grave of the Hugentobler family. They also met with Maria Rosa Zurbriggen, who recalls how her father would forecast how much rain would fall in a year, in best Valais tradition.