Tinguely and his kinetic sculptures

(Deutsch) Jean Tinguely, Méta-Matic No. 10, 1959 Museum Tinguely, Basel, Donation Niki de Saint Phalle © 2021, ProLitteris, Zürich; Foto: Museum Tinguely, Basel, Serge Hasenböhler

The new permanent exhibition (Le définitif – c’est le Provisoire) focuses on the artist Jean Tinguely (1925-1991) and the media impact of his kinetic sculptures and actions.

The show draws to an unprecedented degree on the museum’s unique collection of documents and archive materials.

 The exhibition also offers information on the materiality and functioning of Tinguely’s works, providing interesting insights into their construction, as well as surprising hidden technical details concerning their conservation.

The information includes recent findings concerning the radio sculptures of the 1960s, and approaches to restoring such fragile works as Ballet des pauvres (1961) or the Balubas (from 1961).

George Bemberg

Photo: Fondation l'Hermitage, Lausanne.

Georges Bemberg (1915-2011) collected paintings, drawings and iconic works of art, ranging from the Renaissance to the 20th century. The L’Hermitage shows a selection of works from this prestigious private collection.

This collection is exhibited for the first time outside the walls of the Bemberg Foundation in Toulouse.

The collection encompasses an exceptional quality of paintings and drawings from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but also of the old masters, masterpieces of German, Flemish, Venetian and French art.

The exhibition (Chefs-d’œuvre de la collection Georges Bemberg) brings together 132 of the most remarkable paintings and drawings from this collection.

Warja Lavater

Warja Lavater, 1939, Umsetzung des Signets der Schweizerischen Landesausstellung von 1939 auf Hut, Tuch und als Anstecknadel. © ProLitteris.

The exhibition (Sing-Song-Signs & Folded Stories) focuses on the art works by Warja Lavater (1913-2007) and on her Folded Stories.

The artist devised a picture language in her folded books – Wilhelm Tell (William Tell, 1960), Rotkäppchen (Little Red Riding Hood, 1960) and Leidenschaft und Vernunft (Sense and Sensibility, 1961).

She went on to explore this technique further in various other media and artworks. She achieved international renown with Wilhelm Tell, published by the Museum of Modern Art in 1962 and with Imageries.