Van Gogh Alive

The paintings and drawings by Vincent Willem van Gogh (1853-1890) are presented in this multimedia show. The project tours around the world and can now be seen in Zurich. In 1880, at the age of 27, Vincent turned to art, after a short career as an art dealer and a study in theology. He was mainly inspired by the Impressionism and Post-Impressionism movements of the 19th Century. In only ten years, he produced more than 2 000 works of art, consisting of around 930 paintings and 1 100 drawings and sketches. The show is an experience for the senses by the combination of light, colour and music. In large-scale projections, his most famous works are brought to life. (Source and further information: 

A multicultural Community

Grisons/ Graubünden is a the canton of 150 valleys and of different cultures and languages.

The spring fair Higa (21 to 29 March in Chur), is a multicultural residential community (Wohngemeinschaft) of these languages and cultures.

It is the first joint public presentation of four organisations: the Romansh Association (la Lia Rumantscha, founded in 1919), the Association for Italian Graubünden (l’associazone Pro Grigioni Italiano, founded in 1918), the Walservereinigung (l’associazione Walser Grigioni, founded in 1960) and the Association Pro Raetia (founded in 1949).

These organisations have a Romansh, Italian, Walser and Germand-speaking  background. (Further information: www.


Extension of Fondation Beyeler

The Fondation Beyeler has become one of the most famous art museums in Switzerland. Located in Riehen, it makes a significant contribution to the attractiveness of the Basel region.

Many visitors attend exhibitions or events and enjoy the beautiful park and museum building (Renzo Piano). The Fondation recently acquired the neighbouring Islein-Weber Park.

This extension will connect the two parks. Besides, three new buildings, adapted to the houses of Riehen, will complete the complex. A new House of Art, a pavilion for events and a building for administration.

The size of the gardens will be doubled, and a new recreational area will appear in the centre of Riehen.

The new buildings will blend harmoniously into the natural environment, just like the present architecture (Source and further information: