The Champ-Pittet Centre

The Champ-Pittet Centre in the Grande Cariçaie presents an interactive exhibition on the forest, the marsh and the three gardens, a natural laboratory and various art exhibitions.

The Grande Cariçaie is a large nature reserve on the southeast shore of Lake Neuchâtel. The shoreline of the lake originated from the first water correction in the Jura at the end of the 19th century and is made up of peat and swamp areas, forests and shallow water zones.

A quarter of Switzerland’s animal and plant species live here, including many rare and endangered species. The Grande Cariçaie is the most extensive contiguous marshland in Switzerland and includes eight nature reserves.

These reserves are known under the name Grande Cariçaie. Three gardens also show a wealth of plants and environmentally friendly horticultural methods.

(Further information: 

Hot-air Balloon Festival

The 42nd hot-air balloon festival started in Château-d’Oex on 25 January. The annual event lasts until 2 February. More than sixty balloonists from fifteen countries take part in various activities. The traditional Night Glow takes place on 31 January.

The program offers conferences, active participation of participants (children and adults), flights in the valley, formation flights and other aerial shows. Besides, two flights commemorate the historic 1909 balloon flight of Albert Gockel and Viktor Franz Hess and the twentieth anniversary of the balloon flight festivals of St. Niklaas (Belgium), Romorantin (France), Bristol (UK) and Château-d’Oex (Switzerland). (More information: (