KdS-online of the Swiss Society of History of Art

The volumes in the Die Kunstdenkmäler der Schweiz, KdS (Swiss Monuments of Art) present the history of Swiss art and architecture since 1927. They are being published by the Gesellschaft für Schweizerische Kunstgeschichte, GSK (Swiss Society for Art History).

They are available online: www.ekds.ch. Digitisation will be completed by 2027, the 100th anniversary of the series.

The GSK takes another step into the new age after the interactive e-books, the 3D-project 360° Swiss Heritage, and the apps Swiss Art To Go and Europe Art To Go

(Further information: www.gsk.ch).

Celtic Culture in the Alpine Region

Switzerland and its rivers, roads and mountain passes have always been at the crossroads of European trade, ideas, culture and communication. Several Celtic tribes inhabited this area long before the Roman invasion (c. 15-13 B.C.).

These tribes were ruled by aristocracies and kings who owed their prestige to warfare and a clientele system. The Romans called the settlements on the top of hills oppida (oppidum). An example is the reconstruction of the oppidum Mont Vully on the shore of Lake of Morat (Vaud). 

Le Mont-Vully, la Tène near Neuchâtel, Hallstatt in Austria, Bibracte near Autun in France and Heuneburg in Germany are a few of the many locations of the rich Celtic culture in the Alpine region. The Celts are known for their craftsmanship, weaponry and trade. They were not “barbarians”, as the Romans described them.

The Celtic Museum Heuneburg in Herbertingen-Hundersingen shows the original finds discovered throughout years of excavation. The exhibition shows their contact with other cultures:

  • Greek imports
  • Amber from the Baltic Sea
  • Jewellery from Slovenia
  • Transport amphoras from Marseilles

The Heuneburg is an early Celtic princely residence and one of the oldest towns in the Northern Alpine Region. The Heuneburg area was an economic and political centre in the early Iron Age (circa 620 – 480 BC). 

(Further information: www.heuneburg.de/celtic-museum-heuneburg).

The Jura Vaudois Nature Park

The Jura Vaudois Nature Park (Parc Jura Vaudois) extends from the summit of the Dôle at Saint-Cergue to Romainmôtier in the canton of Vaud. The landscape is diversified with hills, woodlands and forests.

The mountain meadows produce the alpine pasture Gruyere and another cheese speciality, the Vacherin Mont d’Or.

(Source and further information: www.parcjuravaudois.ch).