Fête des Vignerons, short History of a Great Festival

The Fête des Vignerons (Unesco World Heritage) is a tradition that has been handed down from generation to generation since the 18th century in Vevey (canton of Vaud),  in a region that stretches from Pully to Lavey near Valais.

Le Ranz des vaches. Picture: Musée de la Confrérie des Vignerons

In the eighteenth century, Vevey generated a significant part of its income from wine-growing and trade. The city was surrounded by vineyards, and the rhythm of the seasons and the wine calendar determined city life.

The Confrérie des Vignerons (the Brotherhood of Winegrowers) called itself  ‘Abbaye de l’agriculture’. The Brotherhood organized an annual parade. It was a cheerful parade of the winegrowers and their employees.

The parade ended at the General Assembly of the Council (le Conseil) of the Brotherhood, where their work was commented upon.

The Brotherhood decided in 1780 to reward the best winegrowers and their workers.

They marched in the front of the parade, accompanied by the Abbé-Président (the ‘Ab-President’), the members of the Council (le Conseil) and a large number of musicians, singers and costume figures who symbolised mythical figures and viticulture.

The quality of the parades and the number of spectators increased, and a platform was established on the city’s Marktet Square in 1797.

The Fête des Vignerons was born. The book Helvétie 1800-1819 (Paris 2010) by Maurice Denuzière gives a good picture of this period in Vevey and Vaud.

The Napoleonic period, the creation of the canton of Vaud, and political and economic difficulties did not stop the festival’s development after 1813. A new festival was organized in 1819.

The parade became a real show. The 1865 arena had a capacity of 10,000 spectators. The quality of music, theatre, choreography, and costumes constantly improved.

More than 200 years after its first construction, the present-day stadium has 16,000 seats and can accommodate 5,000 actors and 1,000 musicians.

(Source and further information: Musée de la Confrérie des Vignerons; G. Favrod, S. Carruzzo, Du cep à l’arène, petite histoire d’une grande Fête’ , dans Fête des Vignerons 2019. Une Envie de Fête, No. 1, Vevey, 2018; www.fdv2019.ch).

The Temple of Bevaix

The temple of Bevaix (Le Temple de Bevaix) was built in 1605 and 1606.

The remains of the ancient Benedictine abbey of Bevaix, which was built in 998,  were used as buildings materials. The monastery had fallen into disrepair after the Reformation around 1530.

The romanesque vaults and some windows of the tower and other parts were used. The protestant church of Bevaix shows Catholic features. The abbey got a second life.

The St. Alban Church

Fishermen, boatmen and traders already inhabited the valley near Basel before the arrival of the Romans. The Romans introduced the water mills. The first church dates from the fifth century when Basel was the bishop’s residence.

Burkhard von Hasenburg (1040-1107), bishop of Basel, founded the monastery of St. Alban in 1083. The powerful abbey of Cluny administered the monastery.

The monastery was rebuilt in 1304 in the Gothic style, but in 1356 (earthquake) and 1417 (fire), the monastery was destroyed. The church remained intact, however. The canton approved the restoration of the church in 1845.

(Source: A. Meyer, Ursprung und Geschichte von St. Alban in Basel, Landquart, 1975).