Val de Ruz, Boviduc. Photo/Foto:

Boviducs of the Val de Ruz

The organisation Les Chemins chouettes is dedicated to hiking trails in the natural and cultural heritage of the Val-de-Ruz (canton of Neuchâtel).

There are seven walks: around the Seyon river, towards Chasseral, the Boviducs, the Lisière, the Rincieure, the Crêtes and the south-west of the valley.

The word Boviduc appeared towards the end of the 20th century to designate a passage in the forest for cattle. It is derived from Latin bos/bovis (cattle) and ducere (to lead, drive).

The boviducs of the Mounts Chézard and Cernier were created in the late Middle Ages. Today, they form a network of about 10 km.

The path is included (NE548) in the inventory of historical communication routes in Switzerland (

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