The Cardinal and Absinthe

The famous Brasserie du Cardinal de Fribourg is located at the foot of Neuchâtel Castle between the city’s old mills and the bed of the Seyon. The interior of the current restaurant has retained most of its Art Nouveau decor from 1905. It is typical of the Belle Époque: a unique imaginary pattern of coloured … Read more » “The Cardinal and Absinthe”

Kleinbasel and Grossbasel

The city of Basel lies on both banks of the Rhine. Until 1392 there were even two Basels: Kleinbasel on the right bank and Grossbasel on the left bank. Both Basels were cities in the Holy Roman Empire. Grossbasel was even a free imperial city (Reichsunmittelbarkeit). This status gave the city a high degree of autonomy, … Read more » “Kleinbasel and Grossbasel”

Dutch glory in the canton of Vaud

Élie Gouret (1586-1656) was a Huguenot who lived in the Republic of the Seven United Provinces. In 1636 he submitted to the government (der Grosse Rat) of canton Bern a project to connect the Rhine via the river Aare, the lake of Biel and the lake of Neuchâtel to Lake Geneva. He wanted to achieve his … Read more » “Dutch glory in the canton of Vaud”