Helias Helye en the first printed and dated book

In 1470 Helias Helye (1400-1475) published the first dated printed book on the territory of present-day Switzerland. In his house in Beromünster, today’s museum (Schloss-Museum), he began his new career as a book printer at the age of seventy. Until then he was canon in Beromünster and priest in Neudorf. In his younger years, he had … Read more » “Helias Helye en the first printed and dated book”

The Craddle of Switzerland

Switzerland will be 729 years old on 1 August 2020. Or not? On the first of August, Switzerland celebrates the alliance between the three Orte Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden. The document does not give an exact date but speaks of the beginning of August of the year 1291. The first national commemoration  took place in … Read more » “The Craddle of Switzerland”

The Roman House in Augusta Raurica

More than 65 years ago, René Clavel of Basel (1886-1969) had the idea of rebuilding a Roman house of the local urban elite in the Roman colony of Augusta Raurica, today’s Augst. The Clavel-Villa near the Augusta Raurica Museum  In consultation with Professor Laur-Belart (1898-1972), who was responsible for the excavations at Augusta Raurica, he … Read more » “The Roman House in Augusta Raurica”