Canton Basel-Landschaft

The Canton of Basel-Landschaft (Baselbiet) was created in 1833 as a split-off from the Canton of Basel, a member of the Confederation since 1501. 1501-1833 The city of Basel was the dominant political power in the canton in 1501. The area beyond was an Untertanengebiet ruled by a governor. The French invasion in 1798 and … Read more » “Canton Basel-Landschaft”

Canton of Lucerne

Monasterium Luciara The monastery Lucaria was founded around 735. A bridge connected the monastery to the other side of the river Reuss. The settlement was one of the sixteen so-called Dinghöfe, land and territories owned by the monastery. The monastery’s name was first mentioned in 760, “ monasterium Luciara”. This settlement became the city of Lucerne … Read more » “Canton of Lucerne”

Canton Solothurn

Solothurn (Soleure) has a long history that goes back to the prehistory the Celts and the Romans. The Celtic name of the settlement was Salodurum (watergate), a name adopted by the Romans. The town obtained the status of a free imperial city (freie Reichsstadt) of the Holy Roman Empire in 1281. The city acquired the … Read more » “Canton Solothurn”