Fifty years women’s suffrage

The Swiss Confederation introduced universal suffrage for men in 1848 as the first democracy in Europe and as one of the world’s first nations. History However, women’s right to vote at the national level would only become a reality on 26 March 1971, following the referendum of 7 February. Switzerland was almost the last country … Read more » “Fifty years women’s suffrage”

The Swiss Federal Tribunal

The old Swiss Confederation, or Eidgenossenschaft, was a loose and complex agreement between cantons. There was no federal supreme jurisdictional authority until 1798. When a dispute arose between two or more cantons, the conflict was resolved through good services, mediation by third parties, or warfare. Religious, political or economic conflicts,  the military dominance of German cities … Read more » “The Swiss Federal Tribunal”

Mexit or Moutier Exit

It did not get attention outside Switzerland, but an exit drama is taking place in the canton of Bern. Referendum A majority of voters of Moutier voted in favour of leaving the canton of Bern and joining the canton of Jura instead, by 2 067 votes in favour versus 1 930 votes against, a difference … Read more » “Mexit or Moutier Exit”