The founder of direct democracy

On 6 March 1866, Ignaz Paul Vital Troxler, one of the founders of modern Switzerland, died. He was born in Beromünster in 1780. At nineteen, he left his post in the Napoleonic administration of the Helvetic Republic (1798-1803) to study in Jena. He was successful in ophthalmology in Göttingen. However, his republican and liberal sentiments … Read more » “The founder of direct democracy”

The Presidency

Articles 174-179 of the Federal Constitution contain the main provisions. These describe the appointment and number of members of the Government (seven), Their term of office (four years), the principles of collegiality and equality, the tasks and appointment of the Federal Chancellery,  and the tasks and appointment of the Head of State. The President The … Read more » “The Presidency”

The Municipalities

Definition Each canton is subdivided into municipalities. The area of a canton is the sum of these municipalities, just as Switzerland is the sum of the twenty-six cantons. The cantons are also subdivided into districts that cover several municipalities. Unlike the municipalities, the districts are not derived from the Federal Constitution but only from the … Read more » “The Municipalities”