The Cantons

Switzerland or the Swiss Confederation (Eidgenossenschaft) consists of twenty-six cantons (Article 1 Federal Constitution). This article also defines the territory of Switzerland: it consists of the areas of the cantons. The cantons  In alphabetical order (with their license plate indications in brackets), these are; Aargau (AG), Appenzell Ausserrhoden (AR), Appenzell Innerrhoden (AI), Bern (BE), Basel-Landschaft … Read more » “The Cantons”

The Consitution of the Cantons

The 26 cantons have a powerful constitutional and political position in the Swiss state system. From a European perspective, they are even unique structures dating back centuries. This article discusses the constitution of the cantons. The great politician and entrepreneur Alfred Escher (1819-1882) articulated in 1848 what is still the foundation of the federal and … Read more » “The Consitution of the Cantons”

The Federal Council

This article highlights the composition of the Federal Council. Subsequent contributions will deal with the functioning, legislative and decision-making process and working methods. The Council The Council (Bundesrat, Conseil fédéral, Consiglio federale, Cussegl federal) consists of seven members. The Federal Chancellery and  Chancellor (Bundeskanzlei, Chancellerie fédérale, Cancelleria federale, Chanzlia federala) supports the Council. The Council … Read more » “The Federal Council”