The Electoral System

Introduction Direct democracy, federalism and a unique political system of directly elected members of the executive (government) in the canton and the municipality are the basis of the country’s political stability.   On all three levels, municipality, canton and federal government (Bund/Fédération), collegiality applies: the government speaks with one voice. The government can never be dismissed … Read more » “The Electoral System”

The Swiss Constitution

The Founders There are two founders of the Swiss Confederation (Confoederatio Helvetica): the people and the cantons, according to the Preamble and Article 1 of the Federal Constitution, FC, (Bundesverfassung, Constituziun federala, Constitution fédérale, Costituzione federale). The Swiss people and the cantons (Das Schweizervolk und die Kantone, Il peuple svizzero et les cantons suisses, Il … Read more » “The Swiss Constitution”

The Sonderbundswar that brought Peace

Switzerland has a reputation for slow political decision-making. However, the country did lead the way in introducing democracy and Europe’s first trilingual confederal democratic (for men) republic in 1848. The cantons are the experimental gardens of new political concepts; ultimately, the citizens always have the last say because all citizens are politicians. So it was … Read more » “The Sonderbundswar that brought Peace”