A beneficial Democracy

The Constitution of 1848 is still the political fundament of modern Switzerland. The Constitution, partly based on the American model of 1787, establishes the confederal status of the country, the cantons and communes, and the role of the citizens. The last major revision of the Constitution took place in 2000. The Referendum One of the … Read more » “A beneficial Democracy”

The Landsgemeinde and Direct Democracy

For a good understanding of the emergence and functioning of direct democracy in Switzerland, a (historical) knowledge of the Landsgemeinde is indispensable. This article is limited to a broad outline of the subject. It shows that the basis of Swiss direct democracy is centuries old. The political choice in the nineteenth century resulted from fierce … Read more » “The Landsgemeinde and Direct Democracy”

The Swiss Direct Democracy

One of the most striking features of the political system of Switzerland is the absence of dominant politicians. Few Swiss citizens know the name of their head of state or federal president. That is not surprising. They are appointed for one year and always belong to the government of seven ministers. The head of state … Read more » “The Swiss Direct Democracy”