The Rhine in 38 exhibitions

The Museum Network (Netzwerk Museen/Réseau des musées)  presenta a cross-border exhibition series on the Rhine. Between autumn 2022 and spring 2023, the network organises 38 exhibitions around the theme “The Rhine”. The exhibitions will take place in North and South Baden (Germany), in the departments of Haut-Rhin and Bas-Rhin (France) and in Northwest Switzerland. They … Read more » “The Rhine in 38 exhibitions”

The Rösticup and the Bilac 2022

Available in German, French and Dutch

Erasmus in Concert in Basel

From 12 to 18 September 2022, the Hochrhein Music Festival will host the interdisciplinary festival “Erasmus Klingt! – Festival Lab”, highlighting the influence of Erasmus’ works on science and the arts. Each edition focuses on one of his works. The theme of this event is Follia, inspired by one of his most famous works, “In … Read more » “Erasmus in Concert in Basel”