Days of Art Basel 2022

From 1 to 4 September 2022, the new edition of Kunsttage Basel will take place in Basel and its surroundings. This year’s event will again make modern and contemporary art accessible to a wide audience. Some 55 museums, galleries, exhibition spaces and other venues will take part. The Kunsttage Basel aims to make the artistic … Read more » “Days of Art Basel 2022”

European Heritage Days in Switzerland

The 29th edition of European Heritage Days in Switzerland on 10 and 11 September 2022 will focus on places of art, recreation and sport under the motto “Leisure – Temps libre – Tempo libero”. From the Roman amphitheatre to the National Museum, from the opera house to the mountain hotel to the seaside resort. Some … Read more » “European Heritage Days in Switzerland”

Swimming in the Rhine

The annual Basler Rheinschwimmen (Basler Rhyschimme) took place on 16 August. The start was punctual at 18.00 with the traditional cannon shot. The course is 1.5 km from the Tinguely Museum to the Johanniter Brücke on the Kleinbasler bank. A few Basler swim in the Rhine every day from spring to autumn, weather or no … Read more » “Swimming in the Rhine”