Gregorian Chants in Graubünden

The Fundaziun Origen is devoting the coming week to Gregorian chant. These ancient chants are part of the identity of monastic life. They structure the day and night. The Origen Ensemble performs the Lauden, the prayer that welcomes the day, and the Complet, which bids farewell to the day and accompanies people to sleep. They … Read more » “Gregorian Chants in Graubünden”

Choreographies on the Julier Pass

The dance season of the Nova Fundaziun Origen (Riom, Canton Graubünden) on the Julier Pass begins on 14 July. Luca-Andrea Tessarini will kick off this year’s series of new choreographies with his work “Venom”. One week later, French choreographer Sébastien Bertaud will show his “Laniakea”. The Red Tower on the Julier Pass unites two great … Read more » “Choreographies on the Julier Pass”

New Performances of the ADN

The ADN (Association Danse Neuchâtel) presents two new performances at the Temple Allemand in La Chaux-de-Fonds (canton of Neuchâtel) on Saturday, 25 and Sunday, 26 June, at 6 pm. The programme includes two creations by Clara Delorme. Malgrés is a playful piece with the theme “Music and the Body”. It tells about the contradictions of … Read more » “New Performances of the ADN”