Concert UNICEF in Geneva

The geopolitical situation is more serious, more uncertain, and more dangerous than was thought possible until a month ago. The Covid pandemic is not over yet, but the protection of children in war zones is of the utmost importance and has the highest priority for UNICEF. In this context, the Geneva Chamber Orchestra and the … Read more » “Concert UNICEF in Geneva”

Arena for a Tree

The Arena for a Tree (Arena für einen Baum) is an art intervention in the courtyard of the Landesmuseum in Zurich. The freely accessible Arena is a stand-in for nature and, at the same time, a powerful plea for its preservation. The project is a follow-up to the Arena for a Tree on the Münsterplatz … Read more » “Arena for a Tree”

Bach in Arlesheim

The complete organ works of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) will be played on the Silbermann organ in the Dom of Arlesheim (Canton Basel-Landschaft) from 2022 to 2024. His early works will be played in the first year (2022). he composed these works during his youth and as an organist in Arnstadt (1703-1708) and Mühlhausen (1707-1708). … Read more » “Bach in Arlesheim”