The Swiss Castle Day

The Swiss Castle Day on 3 October focuses this year on the role and position of women. 25  castles organise events and present exhibitions and attractions. In the Middle Ages, wars created a surplus of 15% more women than men. The 17th century was marked by the development of women in education. In the 18th … Read more » “The Swiss Castle Day”

125 Years Roche in Basel

The two Roche towers in Basel not only equal the two church towers of the Basler Münster ir cathedral. Like the two church towers, the Roche towers are not of equal height. Only the towers of the Münster have been there a bit longer. However, this fact does not detract from the prominent presence of … Read more » “125 Years Roche in Basel”

Open Air Festival Môtiers

The festival (Art en Plein Air Môtiers 2021) in the Jura region in the Val-de-Travers forest takes place in harmony with nature and the sculptures and music placed in it. The dancer Émilia Giudicelli and the musician Grégoire Paultre Negel immerse themselves in the inspiration of the plant world. They will share their artistic interventions … Read more » “Open Air Festival Môtiers”