74th Biennial Exhibition

The 74th Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary Art (La 74e Biennale d’art contemporain) of the Society of Friends of the Museum of Fine Arts (la Société des amis du Musée des beaux-arts, SaMbA) will take place at the Museum of Fine Arts (Musée des beaux-arts) in La Chaux-de-Fonds from 16 May to 29 August 2021. Organised … Read more » “74th Biennial Exhibition”

In Dialog with the Landscape

With its exceptional panorama, La Vue-des-Alpes is an attractive place on the pass between Neuchâtel and La Chaux-de-Fonds. The panorama of the Alpine giants is set against the backdrop of the Jura landscapes and man-made objects, such as dry stone walls, wooded pastures, alpine chalets, and agricultural and livestock activities. Art-en-Vue is a festival Dialogue … Read more » “In Dialog with the Landscape”

Origen Summerfestival Creaziun

The programme of the annual summer festival of the Origen Foundation (Fundaziun Origen) in Riom (Canton of Grisons) revolves around creation and destruction, myth and evolution, paradise and the end of the world. With 11 premieres and 132 events, Origen is venturing into a strong revival after the long pandemic silence. The festival is dedicated … Read more » “Origen Summerfestival Creaziun”