The Eiger Express

The new cable cars (“Eiger Express” and Männlichenbahn) can transport 4000 guests per hour. The Eiger Express cable car has a capacity of 2200 persons per hour for transport to the Eiger Glacier. The Wengernal railway exists since 1893 and goes from Grindelwald to the Kleine Scheidegg and on the other side via Wengen to … Read more » “The Eiger Express”

Dalì meets Dante in Ascona

The Italian government commissioned Salvador Dalì (1904-1989) in 1950 to illustrate a special edition of la Divina Commedia, the famous work by  Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). Dalì made one hundred watercolor woodcuts format A4. They represent thirty-three watercolors each for Hell, Purgatory and Paradise and an introduction. They form an original and unique expression of the … Read more » “Dalì meets Dante in Ascona”

Calvin in America

In November 1620, the passengers and crew of the Mayflower reached the coast of Massachusetts and established a colony there. Among them were Puritan Reformists who had crossed the ocean to found a community in accordance with their aspirations, firmly rooted in Protestant and Calvinist values. This was the founding moment for what was to … Read more » “Calvin in America”