Urbanism and the watchmaking industry

Since 1705, the Neuchâtel Region has been producing watches and clockworks. This watchmaking industry has shaped cities’ living and even town planning. The cities of La Chaux-de-Fonds and Le Locle embodied the urban and architectural unity dedicated entirely to the clock and watch production since they were built by and for this industry. Before this … Read more » “Urbanism and the watchmaking industry”

Anabaptist Path

The Anabaptists recognized and practised only the baptism of adults, advocated a strict separation of church and state, and renounced all forms of violence. The Anabaptists were persecuted, and many fled to Germany, the Netherlands or to America. Others fled to the heights of the Jura, which then belonged to the diocese of Basel.  There … Read more » “Anabaptist Path”

Neuchâtel and the Belle Époque

The history of Neuchâtel goes back to the Counts of Neuchâtel (until 1395), the German rulers of Freiburg and Hochberg  (1395-1543), the French house of d’Orléans-Longueville (1543-1706), the King of Prussia (1707-1806), the French Prince-Marshal Alexandre Bernier (1806-1813), a Swiss canton in a personal union with the King of Prussia (1815-1856) and finally the formal … Read more » “Neuchâtel and the Belle Époque”