Democracy in perspective

The 98th conference of the Organisation for Swiss Abroad (Auslandschweizer Organisation (ASO)/Organisation de la Suisse au l’Etrangé, OSE) was held in Lugano (canton of Tessin/Ticino) from 19 to 21 August. The central theme was democracy from the perspective of European and global developments and the place and role of Switzerland and the Swiss abroad.   … Read more » “Democracy in perspective”

Media, Federalism and Democracy

Media are indispensable to the functioning of a democracy. It is particularly true of multicultural, federal, decentralised Switzerland and its direct democracy and other direct participation of citizens and civil society. What characterises the media in federalism in general and in Switzerland in particular? What does the Swiss media landscape look like? And how do … Read more » “Media, Federalism and Democracy”

The Partnerships 360 Symposium

The Partnerships 360 Symposium at the Maison de la Paix in Geneva takes place from 11 to 13 July. It brings together allied and partner nations for a free exchange of ideas on the future evolution of NATO’s partnerships policy. Switzerland is the first partner nation to be tasked with organising the Partnerships 360 Symposium. … Read more » “The Partnerships 360 Symposium”