The Dreamed City of Basel

The dreamed city. (Die geträumte Stadt) is the exhibition’s title in the former monastery Klingental (Museum Kleines Klingental) in Basel. The title is open to two interpretations. A dream can be a vision that is never realised or a dream that becomes a reality (or a nightmare). Both possibilities apply to Basel and probably to … Read more » “The Dreamed City of Basel”

Svizra Rumantscha in Bern

The work  “Svizra Rumantscha” has been hanging in Bern’s House of the Cantons (Haus der Kantone/Maison des cantons) since December 2021. The work shows the names of Switzerland’s approximately 2200 municipalities in the Romansh language. The artist Donat Caduff has converted the names of some 2200 municipalities into Romansh, although most did not have a … Read more » “Svizra Rumantscha in Bern”

The Wakker Heritage Prize 2022

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