Europe´s Oldest Army in Vatican City and Women

On 22 January 1506, Pope Julius II (1443-1513) founded the Swiss Guard. During this period, Europe experienced many wars, and princes often fought these wars with mercenaries from other territories. At the time of the Swiss Guard’s establishment, the Eidgenossenschaft was a military superpower renowned for its victories over the most powerful royal houses: Habsburg (1315-1499) … Read more » “Europe´s Oldest Army in Vatican City and Women”

A new Familie of eleven Saint Bernhard Puppies

In March, the Saint Bernard dogs Haïka and Zeus from the “du Grand St. Bernard” kennel of the Fondation Barry in Martigny (canton Valais) became parents of 11 puppies. Haïka was also born from the Fondation’s breeding programme. Her father, V’Barry, also from the kennel Grand St. Bernard, was crowned World Champion at the World … Read more » “A new Familie of eleven Saint Bernhard Puppies”

The City of Culture Winterthur is back in all its Glory

Switzerland is a country of museums, art and culture. Although the ancient Confederation (Eidgenossenschaft) of cantons did not have a “Golden Age” of art, artistic achievements are omnipresent. Not only its food products (Maggi, Knorr, Muesli, chocolate, cheese, among others), architecture, graffiti, broderies and other textiles, watches, shoes, ceramics, or hair combs are world-famous, but … Read more » “The City of Culture Winterthur is back in all its Glory”