New Romansh Uniun in Basel

The federal government supports the cantons of Graubünden and Ticino in preserving and promoting the Romansh and Italian languages and cultures. Of the approximately 60,000 Romansh-speaking people, about 40% live outside the language area. Preserving and passing on the language and culture is a significant challenge for those in this ‘diaspora’ The Federal Office of … Read more » “New Romansh Uniun in Basel”

24 February 2022

The Swiss churches organised an ecumenical gathering under the auspices of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft christlicher Kirchen in der Schweiz, AGCK (Association of Christian Churches in Switzerland) on 24 February, one year after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The event took place in the Münster of Bern with representatives of the Ukrainian community and dignitaries in Switzerland. … Read more » “24 February 2022”

The new beautiful Village Hospental

Hospental (canton of Uri) was recognised in January 2023 by the organisation ‘The most beautiful villages of Switzerland’ (Die schönsten Schweizer Dörfer) as one of the most beautiful villages in the country. The name Hospental comes from the Latin word for an inn. The village was located on the Säumerweg (transporting goods on mules and … Read more » “The new beautiful Village Hospental”