The iron industry and Iron Museum of the City of Iron Vallorbe

Blacksmiths were already utilising iron ore found in the Pied-du-Jura 350 years before Christ. his industry continued until about the 6th century A.D. From the 12th century, a few documents prove that the iron industry revived in the Jura. In Vallorbe, the first factories, the forerunners of the current industries, date from the last quarter … Read more » “The iron industry and Iron Museum of the City of Iron Vallorbe”

Lavin, Romansh Culture, a beautiful Garden and a Romanesque Church

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Elgg and the United Dutch Provinces

Elgg (Canton of Zurich) is a town with and rich history on the upper reaches of the river Eulach. The first written mention dates back to 760 under the name Ailaghoga. St Gallen Abbey, founded only in 719, acquired the town and the surrounding region in 760. The Lords of Elgg then served the abbey … Read more » “Elgg and the United Dutch Provinces”