Johann Peter Hebel and his Legacy

““Das Talent zu forcieren, lag Hebel nicht, er besass den Sinn für Proportionen, Augenmass, Instinkt für das, was nötig und möglich ist und was nicht” (Robert Minder, Hebel, der erasmische Geist oder nützliche Anleitung zu seiner Lektüre, (Leipzig, 1959. (He had a sense of proportion, an eye for detail, an instinct for what is necessary … Read more » “Johann Peter Hebel and his Legacy”

Liechtenstein 1719-2021

Liechtenstein is the last German-speaking Principality. Until Napoleon and the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation in 1806, there were still about 300 (very) small to very large German-speaking principalities. Before the 19th century, Liechtenstein had no constitution in the proper sense of the word. However, customary law and individual documents, … Read more » “Liechtenstein 1719-2021”

Bellinzona City and Region

Bellinzona is the capital of the canton of Ticino. The city and the surrounding valleys and regions ( Biasca and the Riviera, the Blenio Valley and Leventina) have a varied landscape interwoven with distinctive cultural characteristics and numerous historical and architectural monuments. The Fortress of Bellinzona is the largest and the only example of a … Read more » “Bellinzona City and Region”