Samnaun, its customs and Vallader free zone and Wintersport

The border town of Samnaun (canton of Graubünden) has a special status. This history dates back to the eleventh century. The village was first mentioned in a charter of the Lord of Tarasp in 1089. Farmers from the villages of Ramosch and Vna in the Lower Engadin (Unterengadin) populated the valley of Saumnaun. The fertile … Read more » “Samnaun, its customs and Vallader free zone and Wintersport”

Praz and the Celts, a small village with a great History

The small village Praz (commune de Mont-Vully) is situated near the ancient Celtic settlement (oppidum) on Mont-Vully (canton of Freiburg) at Lake Morat (Murtensee or lac de Morat). This small village shares in the eventful history of the Romandie or French-speaking Switzerland. The Celtic settlement of Mont-Vully is one of the remains of the tribe … Read more » “Praz and the Celts, a small village with a great History”

Vullierens, its Church and Abbey

Vullierens (canton of Vaud) was already inhabited in Roman times. In the Middle Ages, it fell under the Barony of Cossonay. Bern conquered the Pays du Vaud (roughly the area of today’s canton) from the Duchy of Savoie in 1536. From then on, the village fell under the district of Morges and the rule of Bern. … Read more » “Vullierens, its Church and Abbey”