
Ligurians were the first inhabitants of the region. The Rhaetians succeeded them, who were subdued by the Romans in 15 BC. Their rule lasted for 400 years. The origin of the name is the Latin Mollis, soft. Around 400, the Romans had to cede the area to the Alemanni. In the 9th century, the Säckingen Monastery … Read more » “Mollis”

The Hôtel des Postes in Neuchâtel

The Hôtel des Postes was designed by three architects from Neuchâtel: Jean Béguin, Ernest Prince and Alfred Rychner. The Hôtel des Postes, located near the port of Neuchâtel, was built in three years and inaugurated on 1 April 1896. The building formerly housed the World Union of Postal Companies, founded by the former Federal Councillor, the … Read more » “The Hôtel des Postes in Neuchâtel”

Leuk/Loège in Valais

Leuk/ Loège, Susten, Erschmatt and a few small villages make up the municipality of Leuk, with a population of around 4 000. The municipality of Leuk was one of seven Zenden/Dizains or municipalities that administered the Haut-Valais for centuries, with the Bas-Valais as their subject area. The city lies between Haut Valais and Bas-Valais, French-speaking … Read more » “Leuk/Loège in Valais”