Ham Cooked in Asphalt

A restaurant in Val-de-Travers offers a remarkable recipe: ham cooked in asphalt. Ham cooked in asphalt was eaten by the miners. The asphalt mines in the valley were exploited from the beginning of the nineteenth century. Already in 1711, the Greek physician Eirini d’Eyrinys (1630-1730) discovered the first medical applications of asphalt and its use … Read more » “Ham Cooked in Asphalt”

Peseux Castle

Available in French and Dutch.

Sils-Maria and the Nietzsche House

The Nietzsche House (das Nietzsche-Haus) in Sils-Maria in Upper Engadine (Oberengadin, canton Graubünden) is dedicated to Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900). The house was his (summer) residence from 1881 to 1888. The complete collection of his works He wrote his most prestigious publications in this house and village. The museum possesses two death masks of the … Read more » “Sils-Maria and the Nietzsche House”