La Villa Rose

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Swiss Chablais

The modern Chablais is an area that covers parts of Eastern France and Western Switzerland. The Swiss area extends over the cantons of Valais and Vaud. In France, this region is located in the department of Haute-Savoie and is bordered to the north by Lake Geneva and the Swiss border town of St. Gingolph. At … Read more » “Swiss Chablais”

Bettingen and Riehen

The canton of Basel-Stadt consists of three municipalities: Basel, Riehen and Bettingen. Riehen and Bettingen are located on the right bank of the Rhine. Riehen was already inhabited before the Roman occupation by the Celts. Alemanni settled after the departure of the Romans in the fifth century. The name Riehen appears for the first time … Read more » “Bettingen and Riehen”