Martina, Vinadi and Austria

Martina, located on the left bank of the river Inn, is the border town with Austria. The old inn dating back to 1602 is still a reminder of the old toll between the Independent Free State of the Three Leagues (Freistaat der Drei Bünde, 1524-1798) and Austria. Martina (Martinsbruck) symbolises the history of this region. … Read more » “Martina, Vinadi and Austria”

Tschlin and surroundings

Anyone entering the village of Tschlin (Canton of Graubünden) will come across the sign “Die schönsten Schweizer Dörfer”, the most beautiful Swiss villages. The village is situated at an altitude of 1 550 in the middle of the terraced landscape of Lower Engadin (Unterengadin) with a view of the river Inn (En in the Romansh … Read more » “Tschlin and surroundings”

The Dutch Conductor Willem Mengelberg in Zuort

The village of Ramosch and the hamlets of Vnà, Zuort, Seraplana, Griosch and Raschvella in Lower Engadin (Unterengadin, canton of Graubünden) are situated amidst centuries-old terraces for arable farming (see also under nature). The area has been inhabited since 4500 BC. The dry climate with the least rain in Switzerland and the fertile soil made … Read more » “The Dutch Conductor Willem Mengelberg in Zuort”