(Deutsch) Senda culturala


Granite in Urner Oberland

The village of Wassen at the foot of the Gotthard pass was a quiet village in the nineteenth century. The construction of the Gotthard rail way (1882) changed life forever. The Antonini quarry in Wassen changed the landscape. The jobs also attracted many workers, mainly from Italy. There were other granite quarries in Göschenen, Gurtnellen … Read more » “Granite in Urner Oberland”

The Carillon of Sisikon

The Swiss chocolate producers presented a carillon on the occasion of the first national day of Swiss chocolate, 12 September 2001. The carillon (Glockenspiel of Sisikon) is the largest in Switzerland and consists of 37 bells with the tones e1- e4 and a bronze weight of about 6 000 kg. Both chocolate and chimes stand … Read more » “The Carillon of Sisikon”