Neuchâtel from Village to City

The tribe of Helvetians inhabited the area of the canton of Neuchâtel before the arrival of the Romans in 15-13 BC. The Laténium in Hauterive shows pile dwellings and other Celtic objects from this period. Rudolph III (977-1032), the last king of the Kingdom of Burgundy (888-1032) built a new castle (Novum Castellum) on a … Read more » “Neuchâtel from Village to City”

The Mural of Montcherand

The Romanesque church of Montcherand was built in the eleventh century and  donated to the monastery of Baulmes. Documents confirm the foundation of the monastery of Baulmes in the 7th century and its subordination to the abbey of Cluny not later than 1123. The clergymen of Payerne and Baulmes shared the same prior in 1356. … Read more » “The Mural of Montcherand”

Les Cent Suisses

The Historical Museum of Vevey presents the city’s heritage and region (Lavaux). The museum is housed in a 16th-century castle. There are two collections: a collection of ancient keys, locks and boxes and the works by the painter F.A.L. Dumoulin (1753-1834). Dumoulin witnessed the Franco-English naval battles in the West Indies (1775-1783). He painted these … Read more » “Les Cent Suisses”