
Napoleon assigned Tarasp to the canton of Grisons in 1803 (Act of Mediation, Mediationsakte). The town had been an enclave of the Habsburgs for centuries. Tarasp is for this reason a Catholic community. The mineral springs Luzius, Emerita, Bonifazius, and Carola generated the prosperity after 1860. Large spa hotels (Kurhaus Tarasp, Schweizerhof and Walhaus Hotel (burnt down … Read more » “Tarasp”

Grand Riom Palace in Villa Carisch

Hotel Waldhaus in Sils (canton  Graubünden) was built in 1908. The guests appreciated the view of Lake Sils, the Maloja pass, the mountains, and the valley. Many famous guests, writers, movie stars, politicians, artists and aristocrats visited the hotel to see and to be seen. It was the time of the booming Spa, health industry, and … Read more » “Grand Riom Palace in Villa Carisch”

Aquae Helveticae or Baden

The foundation of Aquae Helveticae (present-day Baden in Canton Aargau/Argovie) by the Romans is mainly due to the creation of the army camp in Vindonissa (Windisch) around 17 AD. Aquae Helveticae was a large bathing complex for the military and (Roman) citizens due to the springs of mineral water. The museum in the monumental Landvogteischloss, on … Read more » “Aquae Helveticae or Baden”