The Prince-Bishopric of Basel

The history of the bishopric of Basel (Basilia in Roman times) goes back to the Roman Empire. The bishop moved from Augusta Raurica (Augst) to Basel in the fifth century. The invasions of Germanic tribes (Alamanni) were the reason. The hill in Basel offered an excellent refuge and had some defensive walls. The ancient palace … Read more » “The Prince-Bishopric of Basel”


Schwarzbubenland consists of the Dorneck and Thierstein districts in the Solothurn canton. Dornach is derived from Tornacho, Tornegg or Tornach, the Celtic-Latin name of fundus turranicus. There was a Gallo-Roman settlement in the first centuries AD. The medieval ruins of the castles Dorneck and Hilzenstein, the Goetheanum, the monastery and the Nepomuk bridge have stories to … Read more » “Dornach”

The High Rhine Region

The High Rhine (Hochrhein) region stretches from Lake Constance to the Upper Rhine and is bordered to the north by the Black Forest and to the south by the Swiss Jura. The High Rhine leaves Lake Constance at Stein am Rhein and becomes the Upper Rhine in Basel. The Rhine flows 150 km through different landscapes, … Read more » “The High Rhine Region”