The City of Avenches

The city of Avenches was founded around 1259 by Jean de Cossonay (c. 1219-1273), bishop of Lausanne. Avenches was the successor of the Roman city Aventicum, the capital of the Helvetians, founded by emperor Augustus and by emperor Vespanianus in 70 A.D. upgraded to Colonia. The Alemanni destroyed the town in 270. The town was … Read more » “The City of Avenches”

The Cattle Descent in the Alps

The cattle descent (Alpabzug) is an old tradition and an annual festival in the Alps nowadays. The cows and their farmers return to the valley in September after the summer in the mountains.  They go along steep and and often centuries-old pathes, for example the Scala Mola alpine,  constructed  in 1645 in the rocks of … Read more » “The Cattle Descent in the Alps”

Terra Raetica

The Romans named Terra Raetica the territory of the tribes of the Rhaetians in the Alpine regions of North and South Tyrol, Eastern Switzerland and Trentino. The goddess of these Raetian tribes was Raetia, represented by the horse’s head. The Rhaetian history unites Landeck, Imst, Unterengadin, Val Müstair and Vinschau. They are presented by the … Read more » “Terra Raetica”