The Genesis of the Swiss Confederation

The genesis of the Swiss Confederation (Eidgenossenschaft) is often directly linked to the agreement between the three cantons of Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden (today’s cantons of Obwalden and Nidwalden) in 1291. However, the decisive events for the Confederation took place in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The first joint administration (Gemeine Herrschaften) of occupied territories (Untertanengebiete), the … Read more » “The Genesis of the Swiss Confederation”

Multilingual Switzerland at Stake.

The author discusses a topical debate about using the four national languages. Switzerland has four languages: Romansh, French, German and Italian. The teaching of languages is the competence of the cantons. The spoken language of the canton is compulsory in primary school. The problems or choices appear in secondary school. Is a second language of … Read more » “Multilingual Switzerland at Stake.”

Romanesque Switzerland

During the Romanesque period (1000-1300), Switzerland was still far from being a national entity. Medieval Romanesque architecture, therefore, presents a multifaceted picture. The various influences, especially from Lombardy, Burgundy and the Upper Rhine, led to the development of highly individual forms of expression. After a basic introduction, the author presents the Romanesque (church) buildings and … Read more » “Romanesque Switzerland”