Switzerland in 26 watercolours

The book shows the 26 cantons through watercolours and accompanying texts. It focuses on their capitals, history, and citizens who have shaped the country and its cantons. The country with its four official languages, many dialects, more than 500 types of cheese, thousands of mountain peaks, hundreds of lakes and ponds and, since 1848, a … Read more » “Switzerland in 26 watercolours”

Direct Democracy in Switzerland

The emergence of direct democracy in Switzerland cannot simply be interpreted as an organic development that led from the pre-modern and medieval Landsgemeinde to the anchoring of popular rights such as the referendum and the people’s initiative (Volksinitiative) in the cantonal constitutions of the 1830s to 1870s and later in the federal constitution (1874 and … Read more » “Direct Democracy in Switzerland”

Around Switzerland in Eighty Maps

Switzerland has always been a country of and with maps. For centuries, maps of all kinds have been made and distributed. In the visual and digital information society, new maps are increasing exponentially. Switzerland has also always been a country of map readers. Maps have accompanied the Swiss intensively from childhood, at home, at school, … Read more » “Around Switzerland in Eighty Maps”