The Alps. Space, Culture and History

The period spans from the first settlement in the Alpine region to the present day. It overviews historical developments, culture, society, economy, politics, life, and work. The first two chapters deal with the origin of the Alps, their historical place and research. The following chapters deal with different thematic emphases on the prehistory to the … Read more » “The Alps. Space, Culture and History”

The Swiss Economic Miracle

Available in German. Markus Somm, Warum die Schweiz reich geworden ist. Myhten und fakten eines Wirtschaftswunders (Bern, 2022). Why Switzerland became rich. Myths and facts about an economic miracle.

Graubünden in one hundred stories

The book is available in the German language. Peter Röthlisberger (Hrsg.), Graubünden in 100 Geschichten (Chur, 2021).