The history of the French language in the Romandie

The book presents for the first time a complete overview of the linguistic history of the different regions of today’s French-speaking Switzerland, from the Celts and Romans, the Franks, Burgundians, and Huguenots to the present day. This linguistic history is accessible to a wide readership and is based on scholarly research. The book traces the … Read more » “The history of the French language in the Romandie”

The Politics and Government of Switzerland

The Politics and Government of Switzerland is a study of Swiss politics. It offers wide coverage of Swiss political forces, processes and policies. The author argues that Switzerland is a vibrant and pluralist country with increasingly competitive politics. However, it still retains some distinctive characteristics like direct democracy. The Swiss people play, for example, a … Read more » “The Politics and Government of Switzerland”

Johann Peter Hebel. His Calender Histories in Comics & Illustrationen

Available in German. (Realisation: Chantal Duocommun, publisher: Schwabe AG, Johann Peter Hebel. Kalendergeschichten in Comics & Illustrationen, Basel 2010).